ISI Announcements 2013

Talk by Prof. Amos Lapidoth

Thursday, 19 December 2013, 10:45-11:30, ETF D110

Title: The Honey-Do Problem Revisited: Sources with Memory, Mismatch, and a Divergence

Student Project Presentation

Thursday, 19 December 2013, 10:15-10:35, ETF D110

Title: Kalman Filter-based Phase-Locked Loops for Harmonic Signals
Name: Erik Hampus Malmberg
Supervisors: N. Zalmaï, L. Bruderer

Student Project Presentation

Monday, 16 December 2013, 9:00-9:20, ETF D110

Title: Error Exponents for the Gaussian Channel with Intermittent Feedback
Name: Lars Palzer
Supervisors: A. Lapidoth, C. Bunte

ISI Christmas Dinner

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Talk by Alberto Montina

Friday, 27 September 2013, 14:00, ETF D110

Title: Fast computation of channel capacity

Talk by Christian Schlegel

Monday, 16 September 2013, 16:15, ETF D110

Title: Promise and Reality of Joint Detection in Coordinated and Random Access Communications Systems

Room Reservation

Thursday, 5 September 2013, 15:30-17:30, ETF D110

IEEE Switzerland Section meeting

Talks by Christoph Bunte & Amos Lapidoth

Tuesday, 3 September 2013, 13:50-14:50, ETF D110

Try-Runs for ITW 2013
Talk by Christoph Bunte: On the Average-Listsize Capacity and the Cutoff Rate of Discrete Memoryless Channels with Feedback
Talk by Amos Lapidoth: Source Coding, Lists, and Rényi Entropy

ISI-Blabla: Seminar by Stefan Moser

Thursday, 29 August 2013, 10:00-11:00, ETF D110

Topic: LaTeX, Emacs, and Fink for Mac-Users

Talk by Edmund Yeh

Monday, 26 August 2013, 15:00-16:00, ETF D110

Title: Polar Codes and Pricing via Quantization

Talk by Michèle Wigger

Thursday, 22 August 2013, 10:00-11:00, ETF D110

Title: New Schemes and Achievable Rates for Broadcast Channels with Rate-Limited Feedback

MA Presentation

Monday, 19 August 2013, 15:15-15:35, ETF D110

Title: Adaptive Filtering with MIMO Crosstalk Cancellation
Name: Ismail Celebi
Supervisors: L. Bruderer, S. Neff

ASF Oral Exam ETF D110

Friday, 9 August 2013, 08:15-9:15, ETF D 110

PhD Defense of Georg Wilckens

Thursday, 20 June 2013, 15:00, ETZ E 81

Beamer Installation ETF D110

Tuesday, 18 June 2013, from 07:00

WSI Kommunikationstechnik, M. Stauffer, P. Strebel

Student Project Presentations

Thursday, 13 June 2013, 10:15-11:15, ETF D110

Title: Signal Envelopes via Hilbert-Transform Inspired Models
Name: Daniel Riegger
Time: 10:15-10:35
Supervisor: C. Reller

Title: Projective Message Passing
Name: Gabriel Gräni
Time: 10:35-10:55
Supervisor: L. Bruderer

Title: Pulswaage - Heart Rate Monitoring with a Weighing Scale
Names: Patrick Murer & Christoph Pfister
Time: 10:55-11:15
Supervisors: L. Bruderer, N. Zalmaï

Student Project Presentations

Friday, 24 May 2013, 10:15-11:40, ETF D110

Title: Frequency-Domain Methods for Adaptive Dynamometer Measurements Equalization
Name: Christian Käslin
Time: 10:15-10:35
Supervisor: L. Bruderer

Title: Phase-Locked Loops for Harmonic Signals
Name: Lukas Cavigelli & Pascal Hager
Time: 10:30-10:55
Supervisors: C. Reller, L. Bruderer

Title: Emission Synthesizer for Road Traffic Noise
Name: Bojun Cheng
Time: 11:00-11:20
Supervisor: K. Heutschi

Title: Supervised Learning Algorithms for Drilling Tools Classification
Names: Markus Rempfler & Michael Tschannen
Time: 11:20-11:40
Supervisors: L. Bruderer, C. Reller, S. Neff

Talk by Dr. Sergey Loyka, University of Ottawa

Tuesday, 14 May, 2013, 15:30-16:30 ETF D110

Title: On Optimal Signaling over Secure MIMO Channels

ISI-TPC Meeting

Wednesday, 10 April 2013, 08:00-20:00, ETF D110

Amos Lapidoth

Student Project Presentation

Wednesday, 27 March 2013, 10:15-10:35 ETF D110

Title: Positioning by Consumer Electronics
Name: Severin Latkovic
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. H.-A. Loeliger

Student Project Presentation

Thursday, 7 March 2013, 14:00-14:20 ETF D110

Title: Likelihood Filtering for Pulse Detection and Pulse Learning
Name: Nour Zalmaï
Supervisors: C. Reller, L. Bruderer, S. Neff


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