ISI Announcements 2014

Talk by Ligong Wang

Monday, Dec. 22, 2014, 9:30, ETF D110

Communicating over a DMC without Being Detected

ISI Christmas Dinner

Tuesday, Dec. 2, 2014

SA Presentation

Monday, Nov. 17, 2014, 10:30-10:50, ETF D110

Title: Detection and Classification of Heart Valve Sounds from Two-Channel Measurements
Name: Désirée Clausen
Supervisors: Nour Zalmai, Reto Wildhaber

MA Presentation

Monday, October 13, 10:00, ETF D110

Andrea Schwaller (work done at the University of Lund, Sweden)

MA Presentation

Friday, October 10, 2014, 14:15-14:35, ETF D110

Title: Sparse Bayesian Learning for Blind Deconvolution
Name: Hampus Malmberg
Supervisor: Lukas Bruderer

Talk by Sarah Neff (Dry Run for Allerton)

Thursday, Sept. 18, 10:15, ETF D110

Self-synchronizing signal parsing with spiking feature-detection filters

Talk by Martin Bossert

Tuesday, Sept. 9, 10:15, ETF D110

Soft-decision decoding of Reed-Solomon codes

PhD Examination of Jiun-Hung Yu

Monday, Sept. 8, 2014, 15:00, ETF C109

Talk by Sarah Neff

Monday, 18 August 2014, 15:00, ETF D110

Convolutional neural networks and deep learning

MA Presentation

Friday, 25 July 2014, 10:00-10:20, ETF D110

Title: The Gaussian Channel with Intermittent Feedback
Student: Lars Palzer
Supervisors: Amos Lapidoth, Christoph Bunte

SA Presentation

Monday, June 23, 2014, 15:00-15:20, ETF D110

Title: Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes
Name: George Negulescu
Supervisor: Christian Schürch

Talk by Christian Kaeslin

Friday, June 20, 2014, 14:00-15:00, ETF D110

Android Programming and Accessing Sensor Measurements

Talk by Negar Kiyavash

Wednesday, June 18, 2014, 16:15-17:00, ETF D110

Time is of the Essence: A Timing Approach to Network Inference

MA Presentation

Tuesday, June 17, 2014, 16:00-16:20, ETF D110

Title: Blind Reverberation Time Estimation from Speech
Name: Salomon Diether
Supervisor: Lukas Bruderer, Andreas Streich (Phonak)

SA Presentation

Tuesday, June 17, 2014, 11:00-11:20, ETF D110

Title: Heart beat detection using ballistocardiographic measurements
Name: Keresztfalvi Tibor
Supervisor: Federico Wadehn and Lukas Bruderer

SA Presentation

Tuesday, 3 June 2014, 15:00-17:00, ETF D110

Title: Analysis of a Simple Model for Molecular Communication Between Nano Devices in a Fluid
Name: Josef Ziegler
Time: 15.00-15:20
Supervisor: Stefan Moser

Title: Regularization in Kernel Methods for Regression
Name: Samuel Welschen
Time: 15.20-15:40
Supervisor: Nour Zalmai

Title: Signal Processing for XRF Spectroscopy
Name: Alec Green
Time: 15.40-16:00
Supervisor: Sarah Neff

Title: Localizing Model Switch by means of Local Statistical State-Space Models
Name: Patrick Murer
Time: 16.00-16:20
Supervisor: Nour Zalmai

Title: Variations of Phase-Locked Loops For Harmonic-related Signals
Names: Daniel Gilgen and Fabio Marti
Time: 16.20-17:00
Supervisor: Nour Zalmai

Talk by Henk Wymeersch

Wednesday, 9 April 2014, 16:15-17:00, ETF D 110

Accuracy and delay: a fundamental trade-off in indoor positioning

Talk by Ligong Wang

Friday, 4 April 2014, 15:00-15:45, ETF D110

Optical Communication and Key Distribution in the Wideband Regime

Ph.D. Examination Christoph Bunte

Wednesday, 2 April 2014, 15:00-16:30, ETZ E81

Title: Error-Free Source and Channel Coding with Lists
Chairman: Prof. Dr. Helmut Bölcskei
Referee: Prof. Dr. Amos Lapidoth
Co-Referee: Prof. Dr. Emre Telatar, EPFL

MA Presentation

Thursday, 20 March 2014, 10:15-10:35, ETF D110

Title: Gesture Recognition on Smartphone with Likelihood Filtering
Name: Christian Käslin
Supervisors: S. Neff, N. Zalmai, L. Bruderer

IZS 2014

Wednesday, February 26 - Friday, February 28

Talk by Stefan M. Moser

Thursday, 23 January 2014, 10:00-10:45, ETF D110

Title: A Toy-Model for Molecular Communication Between Nano Devices in a Fluid


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